What our Customers say...

Fire Damage Testimonials

So kind and helpful with my family and our belongings after somethings were damaged by a small fire we had.

Was able to completely rid my home of the smoke smell after my kitchen fire. 

SERVPRO of Oak Park-River Forest cleaned up our house after a kitchen fire recently.  They did a wonderful job and took care of our house and content as it was their own.  We were so happy  with the results of their work.

I was so scared when a fire happened in my building.  All my content was affected.  SERVPRO came and picked everything up and cleaned it.  They stored stored all my content until I found a new home. They returned all the cleaned content to my new apartment.  I live alone and do not drive so the SERVPRO techs made many trips to my temporary housing to drop off  some of my personal things that I needed from storage while I was waiting for my new apartment.

"John and Tracy were great to work with...."

SERVPRO was there every step of the way with me during my house fire.  We worked together from beginning to end and they made everything easier.  I could call them night or day and they always were there to help.  It was a long year process, but SERVPRO of Oak Park made it much easier.